Nobunny, Okmoniks, R&R Adventure Kids, Hygiene @ The Stags Head, Dalston
Sex/Vid, The Shitty Limits, Sex Dungeon @ The Grosvenor, Brixton
The Country Teasers/The Rebel @ The Freebutt, Brighton (either show)
Woods, Veronica Falls, La La Vasquez @ The Lexington, Angel
Male Bonding, Mazes, Fair Ohs @ Total Freedom Warehouse, Manor Hour
Honourable mentions to; Big Takeover #1 (Logic Problem, Black Time, Mob Rules ..), Yes Way Festival, Dudefest (Finally Punk, Human Hair ..) and Nodzzz/Lovvers tour.
Pissed Jeans - King Of Jeans - Sub Pop
The Hunches - Exit Dreams - In The Red
Ratas Del Vaticano - Mocosos Pateticos - Siltbreeze
Lovvers - OCD Go Go Go Girls - Wichita
The Anals - Total Anal - Permanent Records
The Pheromoans - Penis Envy/Revamper - Convulsive
Hygiene - Hygiene - Dire Records
The Whines - Insane O.K
Teenage Panzerkorps - TPK - Captured Tracks
Francis Harold & The Holograms - Mirror Of Fear - Hozac
Track of the year;
Pissed Jeans - Dominate Yourself
Band of the year;
Male Bonding
Faves from the vaults;
The Raincoats - The Raincoats - Kill Rock Stars (reissued in '09)
The Feelies - Crazy Rhythms - Domino (reissued in '09)
Axemen - Big Cheap Motel/Scary! Pt 3 - Siltbreeze (reissued in '09)
The Urinals - The Urinals - Happy Squid Records
Inflatable Boy Clams - Inflatable Boy Clams - Subterranean Records
Best LP art;
The Anals - Total Anal - Permanent Records
Worst LP art;
Jay Reatard - Watch Me Fall - Matador
Best 7" art;
The Beets - Don't Fit In My Head - Captured Tracks
Worst 7" art;
Drunkdriver - Knife Day - Fan Death
Label of the year;
Siltbreeze, again.
Top tips for 2010;
"Lo-fi" dies, minimal synth becomes cool, everyone wearing shirts with pizza on them and writing songs about the beach move to Berlin and dress all in black.
Sex Is Disgusting release more than two records.
King Of Jeans translates beautifully live.
La La Vasquez release some great records.
The Pheromoans backlash begins, they sign to Matador and do a split with The Eels
Bummed out in '09;
Getting arrested
The exchange rate
Still not owning a computer
Getting terrible news in Birmingham, an already terrible place
Sleeping on James' living room floor forever
Contrary to what you'd imagine I hate making lists, especially as James wouldn't let me have ten LPs. I wouldn't say its definitive as my memory sucks but here is what I liked this year.
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