Monday 19 July 2010


Neonates are in their nascent stages as a band but I've already heard enough of their ethereal & stoic post-punk to eagerly anticipate each upcoming release by them as I would were they a long-beloved beat combo. Their music is especially interesting due to the fact that they do not directly ape one band or sound associated with 80's post-punk yet sound so 'authentically' of that era, more so than any other band in recent memory. Their work recalls Y Pants, The Nixe, Desperate Bicycles and Inflatable Boy Clams but with a striking clarity of vision and a real feeling of ownership; this is THEIR post-punk, influenced by their foremothers and forefathers but not slavishly so. Indeed, if Neonates set out to make music that wouldn't sound out of place on Rough Trade in 1980 then they have achieved this though I doubt that it was so studied; music this fantastic is rarely made with other people in mind. They share qualities with their influences; the same smug candor (see; smug as compliment, a) "she was smug" .. "as well she should be, her quiche was delicious!"), directness, angular rhythms and intricate art-damaged guitar hooks that make the Messthetics compilations such a cause for celebration. The best music is SMART/DUMB, DUMB/SMART, loose, tight, goofy, cool, mysterious, direct and fucked, all at once. Neonates achieve this. They are a band who are truly special & we are honored that plans are afoot to release a Neonates 7" in 2010 on Sex Is Disgusting Records (y'know, us). Watch this space. When I read what I write about music I feel like a man born blind explaining colour. Apologies.

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